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Membership level
1 Individual Member
$100.00 (AUD), prorated to $66.67 (AUD)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Includes pro-rata membership fee for an Individual membership to 30 June from your joining date. Plus joining fee.
2 Family of Two
$115.00 (AUD), prorated to $76.67 (AUD)
Bundle (up to 2 members)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Includes pro-rata membership fee for a family of two. Membership is valid to 30 June from your joining date. Plus joining fees.
3 Family of Three
$130.00 (AUD), prorated to $86.67 (AUD)
Bundle (up to 3 members)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Includes pro-rata membership fee for a family of three. Membership is valid to 30 June from your joining date. Plus joining fees.
4 Family of Four
$145.00 (AUD), prorated to $96.67 (AUD)
Bundle (up to 4 members)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Includes pro-rata membership fee for a family of four. Membership is valid to 30 June from your joining date. Plus joining fees.
5 Family of Five
$160.00 (AUD), prorated to $106.67 (AUD)
Bundle (up to 5 members)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Includes pro-rata membership fee for a family of five. Membership is valid to 30 June from your joining date. Plus joining fees.
6 Family of Six
$175.00 (AUD), prorated to $116.67 (AUD)
Bundle (up to 6 members)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st
No automatically recurring payments
Includes joining fee and pro-rata membership fee for a family of six. Membership is valid to 30 June from your joining date. Plus joining fees.
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