Join us for a social dinner in the Balsa Dining Room at Harbord Hotel (formerly Harbord Beach Hotel).
Date: Saturday 18 March 2023
Meet: 6:00pm at the venue for a 6:15pm booking.
Dress Code: smart casual
Dinner: Taste of Balsa - Chef’s selection of dishes designed to share (Cured ocean trout, avocado salsa, puffed crackers, Heirloom tomatoes & burrata, basil, black olive crumb, Crispy wood-fired pork belly bites, Miso eggplant, lemon yoghurt, summer leaf, sesame, Lemon & paprika rotisserie chicken, charred asparagus, rosemary gravy, Wood-fired Goldband snapper, charred cos, salsa verde, Wood-fired broccolini, pesto, Summer leaf salad, agave, mustard dressing, and Passionfruit gelato, smashed meringue, whipped cream).
Cost: Set menu - $59 per person (does not include soft drinks or alcohol). (A $10 fee will be charged for any refunds/ cancellations after Sun 12 March).
Bookings: By Sunday 4 March 2023 via Wild Apricot.
Limit: 20 places.
Enquiries: Julie Porter-Stephens breakfastruns@mgcarclubsydney.com.au
Payment: At time of booking through Wild Apricot preferred.
Alternatively by EFT to the Club’s Account:
Bank: St George Bank Limited
Account No. 043811680
Please use Your Full Name-Freshwater as your reference in the transaction details.
If you have booked and paid via wildapricot - you do not need to do anything more, thank you, your booking is confirmed.
If you have booked via wildapricot and paid via bank transfer OR just paid via bank transfer - you must also email Julie Porter-Stephens at breakfastruns@mgcarclubsydney.com.au to be manually added to the event registration/ and maked as paid.