POSTPONED: August 2021 Breakfast Run to Thirroul Beach Pavilion

  • 29 Aug 2021
  • 7:45 AM
  • Thirroul Beach Pavilion, 23 Cliff Parade, Thirroul NSW 2515

Previously planned for July, this event has been postponed due to the extension of Sydney's stay at home orders.

As soon as we're able, we’ll head out on a breakfast run to Thirroul Beach Pavilion kindly hosted by the MGF/TF register. All are most welcome!

Join us for a wonderful drive via an interesting and easy route through some iconic mountain scenery to Thirroul followed by a tasty casual breakfast on the beachfront at the historic Thirroul Beach Pavilion, with panoramic beach views along the coast.

Meet: 7:45 am at McDonalds, Allison Cres, Menai, NSW (parking adjacent at Menai Park in Duncombe Place) for 8:00 am departure.

Remember under COVID restrictions not to congregate and to maintain social distance.

Cost: $ 21 for breakfast per person. Payment on booking required.

Bring: Your MG (or your daily drive). All models of MG new and old are welcome. Pen or pencil to write on route notes.

Bookings: By Sunday 11 July 2021 by e-mail to Mark at 

Navigation: Easy directions – this is not a navigation run.

Parking: Plenty of off street parking a short 50 metre walk away from the Pavilion.

Breakfast: Eggs on toast with one of your choice of nine different sides, GF and V options, coffee or tea.

Payment: $21 per person EFT deposit to the MG Car Club’s account:

Bank: St George Bank Limited
BSB: 112-879 Account No. 043811680

You must include your surname and “Thirroul” in the transaction description: e.g. Brown – Thirroul